This articles was published on 2013-05-15

mruby events

After a creative break in 2012, the RubyKaigi in Tokyo will reboot by the end of this month. As far as I can see the schedule, it will be an awesome event with many different facets of Ruby to explore.

mruby talks

One of these facets will be mruby and I’m unbelievable happy that I got the chance to give a talk this year about it. Actually I’m even more happy that also Xuejie Xiao will give a talk about his creation: webruby. Both talks will be on the 31. May 2013 around 11am:


The only downside is that the talk will be in parallel to Akira Matsuda’s. Which is sad because I would like to have learnt why his Rails isn’t like ours :-)

Information Gathering

Due to the reason that I don’t only want to talk about my own experiments with mruby but also like to present others people exploration I would like to ask now around if anybody is working on something mruby related which didn’t got enough attention by now. My main focus of the talk will not only be to present mruby but to actually give chances to people to join the party and start hacking with us on it. So if you have something interesting to share (i.e. a new target platform, a library or an application) just drop me a message by mail (daniel (a) bovensiepen (d) net) or twitter (bovensiepen) and I would love to spread your work at RubyKaigi.


As far as I could “interpret” some of the local tweets, it seems that several mruby guys will also attend RubyHiroba one day after the RubyKaigi. So if you didn’t make it to RubyKaigi try RubyHiroba which is hold btw. in Microsofts Tokyo Headquarter.